Nothing Is Missing: A Memoir of Living Boldly eBook by Nicole Walters free download in ePUB/PDF formats or read online in your browser with kindle unlimited ($0.00) for free.

“Nothing Is Missing ePUB” by Nicole Walters is a powerful and compelling memoir that traces Nicole’s extraordinary journey from the daughter of Ghanaian immigrants to a self-made multi-millionaire. Born into a challenging environment, Nicole learned early on the importance of taking control of her own destiny. She navigated her way into an elite private school, earned her way through college by appearing on Wheel of Fortune, and even adopted three children after a chance encounter with their mother panhandling. However, her relentless pursuit of society’s definition of success took a toll on her well-being, pushing her to the brink of a health crisis. It was only through a significant reckoning in both her business and marriage that Nicole realized her inherent worth and that she possessed everything she needed within herself.

“Nothing Is Missing” memoir is an inspiring tale of self-discovery and resilience, illustrating the profound joy that can be found when one learns to embrace their own strengths and value.

This memoir promises an unputdownable narrative that delves into the depths of personal growth and empowerment. Scheduled for publication on October 10, 2023, this 320-page hardcover promises a riveting exploration of a life transformed.

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