In PDF/ePUB formats of “Called to the Mountain,” the third installment of “The Jones Brothers of Moonshine Ridge” series by Rocklyn Ryder, we follow a heartwarming tale of love, trust, and new beginnings.
Book Overview:
In “Called to the Mountain pdf,” As fate would have it, the protagonist finds himself at the clinic one eventful night, assisting his friend who’s gotten into a bar fight. But little does he know that this visit will change his life forever. The doctor who answers the call is Sage Everett, a single mother with a fresh medical license, ready to build a better life for herself and her son in the mountains.
As the story unfolds, our protagonist discovers that Sage is not just all business but also a captivating woman. He feels a connection with her and sees the potential to be the man she and her son need in their lives. However, winning Sage’s trust isn’t easy, especially as she has been hurt in the past. But he’s determined to prove that he’s the one for her and her son.
Key Takeaways:
- Moonshine Ridge’s journey from a lack of doctors to a thriving rural clinic.
- The chance encounter that introduces the protagonist to Dr. Sage Everett.
- Sage’s determination to create a better life for herself and her son.
- The protagonist’s desire to be the man Sage and her son need.
- The challenge of winning Sage’s trust and overcoming past hurts.
“Called to the Mountain ePUB” weaves a beautiful tale of love, hope, and second chances. As you immerse yourself in Rocklyn Ryder’s heartwarming narrative, you’ll witness the power of new beginnings and the importance of trust.
Join the journey of the Jones brothers as they find love and happiness in the picturesque setting of Moonshine Ridge.