Step into a world of enchantment as we delve into the captivating tale of “Escape to Starshine Cove,” the first book in the Starshine Cove series by Debbie Johnson in PDF/ePUB formats or Read online.

In this heartwarming story, Ella Farrell finds herself at a breaking point, seeking solace from a troubled job and a recent betrayal. Little does she know that a chance encounter will lead her to a hidden gem on the coast – the picturesque seaside village of Starshine Cove.

Immerse yourself in the allure of “Escape to Starshine Cove,” where love, friendship, and second chances intertwine against the backdrop of a charming and dreamlike village.

Will Ella find the courage to embrace this extraordinary place and the budding connection with Jake? Discover the answers as you embark on an unforgettable journey through this heartwarming novel.

Free Download ePUB/PDF formats or Read online this eBook to unlock the magic of Starshine Cove today.

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