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“Esrahaddon” is the captivating conclusion to the “Rise and Fall” trilogy penned by acclaimed author Michael J. Sullivan. In this third book, the enigmatic figure known as Esrahaddon takes center stage, a figure both hailed as a hero and reviled as a villain. Having allegedly brought down a grand empire, he is a polarizing character whose true intentions remain shrouded in secrecy. From his exile and survival in the wilderness from a young age, to being pursued by a goblin priestess and condemned by a god, Esrahaddon’s story is one of intrigue and survival against insurmountable odds. As the last installment in this series, the novel bridges the gap between the “Legends of the First Empire” and the “Riyria” books, showcasing Sullivan’s penchant for crafting tales of unlikely heroes rising to meet historical challenges. With a legacy spanning multiple series and almost two decades, “Esrahaddon” is a testament to Sullivan’s storytelling prowess, promising an enthralling exploration of an enigmatic character and a richly woven narrative.

Book NameEsrahaddon
AuthorMichael J. Sullivan
File TypePDF, ePUB, Audiobook, eBook

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