Enter the scandalous world of “His Savage Sweet,” the second installment in the thrilling “Tales of the Harlot’s Guide” series by Caroline Lee in ePUB & PDF. In this daring tale, meet Prince Wulf, the spare heir to the island kingdom of Faencairn.
Book Overview:
Prince Wulf is not interested in tying himself to a single woman, preferring instead to indulge in his insatiable appetite for pleasure. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Anna, a curvy baker. Their fiery encounter ignites a spark that leaves Wulf unable to resist Anna’s allure. Could she be the partner he has been searching for to match his rough desires and demanding appetite?
Key Takeaways:
- Explore the world of Prince Wulf and his rebellious stance on marriage.
- Witness the collision of passion and desire when Wulf meets Anna, the curvy baker.
- Follow Wulf’s journey of self-discovery as he questions his preferences and desires.
If you’re ready to immerse yourself in a world of forbidden pleasure, download the eBook in ePUB/PDF formats or read it online. Get ready for a sizzling adventure that will leave you breathless.