The EPUB & PDF of “Hindus in Hindu Rashtra” written by Anand Ranganathan is waiting for your online read. Get ready to download your eBook with Kindle and Audible free subscription to enjoy uniterrupted services.

The book passionately dissects the prevailing notion of a Hindu Rashtra, countering it with a piercing inquiry into the inequalities faced by Hindus within their own land. The author skillfully dismantles the facade of equality, citing instances of discrimination and injustices perpetrated against Hindus. Through precise and unapologetic prose, the book confronts the reader with a vivid portrayal of how Hindu citizens have been marginalized, their rights eroded, and their cultural practices undermined. This searing commentary challenges the commonly held narrative and boldly exposes the hidden realities of a society where the principles of a Hindu Rashtra seem twisted and contradicted by the harsh realities endured by its followers.

Book NameHindus in Hindu Rashtra
AuthorAnand Ranganathan
File TypePDF, ePUB, Audiobook, eBook

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