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Ari Alvarez:
Ari Alvarez has recently graduated in nursing and is intimately acquainted with the rigors of military life. Her journey is shaped by a blend of initial naivety, underlying fear, and unwavering motivation, all stemming from the profound loss of her elder brother.

As she steps into a new chapter of her life, Ari confronts the challenge of adapting to a world without her closest confidant. This transition encompasses not only the pursuit of a career laden with mental and physical trials but also the complex task of unraveling the mysterious circumstances surrounding her brother’s passing and the subsequent weight of grief.

Danny Rider – Operator Grim Reaper:
On the other end of the spectrum is Danny Rider, a figure known as “Operator Grim Reaper” within Navy SEAL circles. His life is a portrait of self-centeredness and relentless career focus, a lifestyle he wholeheartedly embraces.

Prioritizing his personal aspirations above all, Danny has meticulously honed his skills as a lethal operative, yet his psyche is marred by internal demons forged through the crucible of repeated deployments.

Unexpectedly, his trajectory takes a sharp turn upon encountering Ari. She emerges as a potent catalyst for change in Danny’s world, simultaneously acting as a mirror to his personal struggles and a beacon of hope he yearns for.

Book NameSee You Soon: A Dark Military Romance
AuthorLexie Axelson
File TypePDF, ePUB, Audiobook, eBook

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