The EPUB & PDF of The Moonstone Major by Meara Platt, an Historical Romance Book is waiting for your online read. Get ready to download your eBook with Kindle and Audible free subscription to enjoy uniterrupted services.

In the heart of Moonstone Landing, the battle-scarred hero, Major Fionn Brennan, bore scars that told stories of his tumultuous past. Among the turbulent echoes of his history, Chloe stood as the singular source of solace and restoration. Only she possessed the profound ability to mend his wounds, both visible and concealed.

The lore of moonstones resonates with the brilliance of true love, claiming that their radiance ascends to its zenith when illuminated by the flames of genuine affection. Within this context, the narrative explores the prospective illumination of Chloe, the youngest of the Killigrew sisters, and Fionn, a man enshrouded in the shadow of his own tribulations. His heart, once receptive to love’s call, now barricaded itself against its tender entreaties.

As the idyllic coastal enclave of Moonstone Landing beckons London’s privileged elite, Lady Chloe Killigrew emerges as an unexpected focal point of admiration and courtship. Amid the cluster of dukes, earls, and aristocrats seeking her favor, Fionn Brennan stands apart, a figure of both rugged allure and daunting reserve. His sphere of responsibilities encompasses the ancient Cornwall fortress, a sentinel overlooking the shoreline. Yet, within the recesses of his heart, Chloe has taken root, her presence a beacon of undying affection. The labyrinthine path to his heart seems insurmountable, and yet, for Chloe, it is a challenge she is resolute to surmount, for she has determined that he shall be the only man she calls husband.

Fionn Brennan, a man marked by his ascent through military ranks, struggles against the confines of his own history. Though the veneer of civilization graces his manner, his past remains a stark contrast, defined by a childhood of nameless desolation on London’s unforgiving streets. His fate pivoted when the viscount plucked him from the precipice of ruin, offering him sanctuary instead of a life languishing in confinement. Now, as the steward of Moonstone Landing’s military stronghold, he navigates each day’s rhythm with Chloe gracing his path. Against the backdrop of her affection, he endeavors to suppress the burgeoning tide of emotion, fearing the vulnerability of love. But how long can he sustain this facade, as layers of deception shroud his perceptions, casting doubt upon the nobleman who had once saved him? Can he rediscover the audacity to unbar his heart’s defenses to Chloe? Or shall they, together, brave the searing crucible of an affection that appears untenable in its intensity?

The narrative’s evocative journey resonates with fervor, promising intrigue and heart-rending passion. It beckons readers to immerse themselves in a tale that sprawls beyond conventional boundaries, an exploration of scars both seen and hidden, of a love that could either rekindle spirits or consign them to the conflagration’s embrace. For those seeking to delve into this poignant narrative, the pages await, accessible through the Kindle Unlimited platform.

Book NameThe Moonstone Major
AuthorMeara Platt
File TypePDF, ePUB, Audiobook, eBook

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